What a superb cast! They were all good!!!
1 September 2013
I rated it so high people, I know, let me explain. I thought the movie followed a format, such as when one scene starts, it just keeps going and going.... In order of the best acting performances: #1 Matt Dillon, then Brandon Fraser, Paul Walker (different acting style for him),Vincent Denofrio, Elijah Wood (he loves those eerie roles, such as w/ Sin City he was evil), Thomas Cage (a hero in this movie), Kevin Ranklin, Ashley Simpson (I knew it was her when I 1st saw her!). One of the best and refreshing movies I've seen in a long time. This is just one pure high energy ride bcz of the actors just really got into their roles. WHoever picked this cast was an expert, this is a huge monumental achievement, in my opin. It has an intense script, drugs, violence, shootings, every scene is packed with superb actors with a plan of action. I'd like to hear what Quentin T has to say about this movie.
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