Review of The Body

The Body (2012)
This is a highly suspenseful and cerebral mystery , filled with twists and turns
1 September 2013
Mystery , intrigue about bizarre facts happen in a morgue .The same team - actress (Belen Rueda) , producer (Mikel Lejarza , Mar Targarona) , screenwriter (Oriol Paulo) , cameraman (Oscar Faura)- who made ¨The orphanage¨ and ¨The Julia's eyes¨ bring us another suspenseful film , ¨ The body¨ or ¨El Cuerpo¨ . The picture is thrilling and some moment brilliant , and the actors are quite reliable as Jose Coronado and Hugo Silva . And again a wonderful Belen Rueda as a nasty woman in a movie with intense sequences of tension and suspense . It deals with a veteran detective called Jaime Peña (Jose Coronado) searches for the body of a femme fatale (Belen Rueda is sensational in one of her best films along with ¨El Orfanato¨) which has gone missing from a morgue . As main suspect there appears her husband Alex Ulloa (Hugo Silva) . Alex is detained and finding alone in the morgue , he is terrorized by strange events , surrounded by corpses and then weird deeds take place .

The film contains tension , thriller , drama , mystery , plot twists and shocks , including decent scares with tense sequences especially in its final part , in a unexpected denouement , near of the end . Hitchcock-style psychological thriller , being surprisingly good and compellingly realized . The original as well as entertaining idea is overspread throughout the movie , but not totally satisfactory , including conventional pitfalls . The main cast is frankly fine , such as José Coronado as Inspector Jaime Peña who bears a dark past , Hugo Silva as upsetting Álex Ulloa , Belén Rueda as Mayka Villaverde , a selfish and domineering woman and the young lover Aura Garrido as Carla . The motion picture is pretty well , although sometimes stagy and packs excessive turns ; however is entertaining for continuous suspense . Sinister and mysterious atmosphere plenty of lights and shades , it is finely photographed by cameraman Oscar Faura . Suspenseful and stirring musical score by Sergio Moure who previously composed successful films as ¨Unconscious¨ and being expert on frightening atmosphere such as ¨Thesis on a Homicide" and ¨Kidnapped¨ .

The film was well produced by various producers , such as Joaquin Padro , Mar Targarona and Mercedes Gamero ; all of them have produced a lot of successes in the new Spanish cinema . Being professionally written and directed by Oriol Paulo who formerly realized only short movies and wrote ¨The Julia's eyes¨ . The movie will appeal to suspense enthusiasts and Belen Rueda fans . Rating : Good , better than average . It's well worth watching and contains some really thrilling scenes and disturbing images .
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