Breaking Bad: A No-Rough-Stuff-Type Deal (2008)
Season 1, Episode 7
Breaking Bad - A No-Rough-Stuff-Type Deal
2 September 2013
Warning: Spoilers
Today is the first day for the rest of your life.

So Walt informs Jesse about their new partnership with the volatile Tuco, with the obvious freak out in return. Walt unwisely negotiates 4 pounds with Tuco despite not having the equipment and chemicals in their possession, with Jesse securing just about everything except a particular substance kept in a heavily guarded (well, not so heavily guarded; Walt and Jesse raid the place when the security guard hits the john!) warehouse. Walt grinds beads from those Etch A Sketch toys into a chemical explosive (talk about creativity!), and it provides the necessary kick to unlock the door to the warehouse. That cumbersome Winnebago doesn't start so Jesse and Walt will have to retreat to the basement of Jesse's "on the market" house, eventually, during their meth cooking process, having to keep out those who answered the "open house" invite! Tuco further establishes his monstrous temper that can explode at any moment, having his "Joe Pesci – Goodfellas" moment at the end, when a member of his entourage speaks out of turn and is given a serious pummeling for doing so. Also this episode addresses Marie's kleptomania as she stole a pricey broach at a dept store for Skyler's baby shower! Skyler feels it is too much and wants to get money back for it, returning it to a jewelry store, the owner almost has her arrested (this is where Skyler's abilities to finagle out of predicaments (not unlike her hubby) is established for the first time)!
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