Tense and sweaty action.
3 September 2013
First time I played it, it was extremely hard, I was so confused. And I hated this game and I still do. Because it can be real pain the ass, when it comes to gameplay. For instance, camera angles are freaking weird, most of the time you can't run in straight line, opponents are sometimes horrible to beat down and you need to be extremely intense to finish a level and some characters are just… like hobbits for example, most of them are weak, small and slow. There's also a timer on some levels, but first you must go through a bunch of enemies and to enter a different camera angle that simple confuse you, it is so… tense… and sweaty, after one level, you smell like a pig. There are some special ways to defeat your opponents… boring… why not just hack and slash the f**k out of them? But, for most of them, you can. And cut scenes… damn, you can't exit them, that's terrible. I don't understand, who the hell wants to watch those scenes again? We already saw the movie, please, proceed. Now, for some good things… graphics are good, they could be even better, the sound effects are great, straight from the film, to the game, they are just great, the action can be very rage releasing for you, I like the combos too… interviews are good. When it comes to the characters… my favorite is Pippin. I'll explain. While the Gandalf is perhaps, the most playable, he can do very extraordinary things, he has a great magic power and strong fluid attacks. Aragorn and Legolas are great in their own way, while Gimli, Merry, Sam and Frodo are slow, with the exception of Gimli, he can be good on occasions. Frodo is the worst. Faramir… is a badass, he can cut strong, without stopping him. Now, when it comes to Pippin, he is small and slow (when it comes to running), but in fight, he is surprisingly powerful, he can take out even 5 time bigger opponents than him in just a few blows and he can destroy the enemy shields with one fast attack, but first you need to power him up. Overall, think before you take this game, because it's really tense, sweaty and tiresome.
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