Community (2012)
Gritty enough well done low budget Indie Brit Urban Horror story.
6 September 2013
I wasn't expecting much from Community given its 3.9 rating here on IMDb, however I quite enjoyed this creepy little Urban Horror. Now I watch a slew of movies, horror movies in particular and there are simply mostly average and below average made movies. Community however, despite it's low budget, was I though above average. Taken in the light of an Urban Horror short story I thought the acting was decent and the use of sound particularly good; this isn't a particularly gory film a lot happens off camera. Taken points few horrors are not formulaic - the likes of Martyrs being an example of a great horror few have seen which breaks that mold. However Community was not a dumb movie like a lot of US horrors. There wasn't academy inspiring material as to why things happened as they didn't however it wasn't just plain dumb, could have been smarter in some points but was smart enough at times too. The premise resonates some points which added to creeping me out, as I grew up in a place where there were estates the police did not enter and some terrible things happened within them, and there's certainly use of symbolism within this movie. And Auntie..creepy or what. Finally I am always one for joking about female leads in horrors generally making bad decisions that causes disasters and I thought this was another one of those, however I was able to suspend disbelief because this wasn't the case entirely here.
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