Whicker's World (1959–1994)
Living with Uncle Sam
9 September 2013
Alan Whicker started his globe-trotting travels as part of the BBC's Tonight programme.

He later moved to ITV where his Whicker's World programme was a celebrated success. In the early 1980s Whicker returned to the BBC.

After reviewing his years of travel, in 1985 he came up with, Whicker's World: Living with Uncle Sam.

This review will focus on the 1985 series which was a fascinating insight about people who left the UK for a better life to the USA.

There might had been an episode that focused on Joan Collins, then massive on US TV in Dynasty but the real stories were that of the Maitre'd or the company executive running a big corporation and everybody in between.

The stories were fascinating, the ratings massive and you could not be envious at the time of the people leaving boring, grey old Britain and making a success of their lives in the USA.

The reality was probably more different than the series painted but it was terrific viewing.

Whicker later followed up the series with people who went to Australia for a better life and some years later went back to ITV for more of his globe trotting.
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