Fire and Ice (1983)
Bakshi's Best
9 September 2013
Let me say something first: The world of animation owes a great deal to Ralph Bakshi. He was one of those who constantly fought against the limitations of the medium; maybe some kind of anti-Disney. Animation as we know it today would be a lot poorer without Bakshi (without Disney too, of course). Now, as important as Bakshi is for the medium, the sad thing about his career is that nearly all of his projects seem half-finished at best; even if they made it to the big screen many of his films are uneven rides. The one exception (in my opinion) is "Fire and Ice", a fantasy flick with some really good animation and high quality from start to finish. The character designs are based on Frazetta (good choice) and the animation often rotoscoped, therefor realistic.

Now - why then do I give it only 4 out of 10?! Answer: The story is so weak you basically have to turn off the speakers to enjoy the pictures. They took some Frazetta drawings and put them on film without filling them with character or life. Then they wrote a story so these cardboard "characters" had to move around so they could show off some cool animation. It's truly mind-boggling how much work they put into this, instead of filming something like, say, a "Dragonriders of Pern"-story.

Recommended for animation nuts (like myself)
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