Review of Grilled

Breaking Bad: Grilled (2009)
Season 2, Episode 2
Breaking Bad - Grilled
9 September 2013
Warning: Spoilers
So Tuco has Walt and Jesse hostage in this out-in-the-middle-of-nowhere cabin, waiting on some boys to "take them back". Tuco is barely held together at this point. Unstable is a modest way to describe this bursting-at-the-seams addict nutjob. At the cabin, Tuco has an uncle, Tio (Mark Margolis; a former violent member of a Mexican drug cartel, he's in a wheel chair, unable to move or talk; he has that damn bell, though) that is absolutely devious and could personally be responsible for the death of both Walt and Jesse. An attempt to poison Tuco goes awry, but he's outnumbered and his fried brain certainly doesn't help his cause, either. Marie spurns Hank to find Walt; Hank, sure enough, finds Jesse's car at Tuco's "safehouse". A shootout is obvious. Breaking Bad is a show that always allowed Walt (and Jesse) to find ways out of situations seemingly insurmountable, and "Grilled" is no different. How on earth could these two survive the monstrous Tuco? He carried around that machine gun, functioning with limited clarity and a lot of rage, ready to explode at any moment. A lot of the episode has Walt and Jesse on Tuco's couch about ready to pee their pants. The poisoned burrito bit, spoiled by damned Tio, could have been their escape, but they'll have to engage Tuco (well, poor Jesse takes the brunt of punishment; Tuco just never liked Jesse, often smacking him around) if they will survive. Hank arrives on the scene just as Walt gets away…typical. Tuco would only be the first of many male obstacles Walt would face during his tenure with cooking and the distribution of (and collection of cash from) meth.
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