7 Clinics with Buck Brannaman has set the bar HIGH!!:)
30 August 2013
i know i'm a bit biased having done music for this project but i have to tell y'all, if you're really serious about being a better horse person for your horses, i truly BELIEVE these DVDs will really change your life & your horses' lives for the better...recently i was working with my ROCKSTARS Jane & Beau & quite honestly, i got REALLY stuck on something, something i thought i had a handle on, turns out, i didn't have the handle on it that i THOUGHT i did & i needed some help...instead of confusing my babies even more & risking getting us hurt, i was SO GRATEFUL that i could go back to these informative DVDS that have truly set the bar on horsemanship training DVDs in my opinion, find the info. i needed, revisit the info. i needed right then & there & get back out there with my kiddos & do what i'd been doing wrong, right!! i felt like i was back at a Buck clinic, it was SO EMPOWERING for me & i know my Jane & my Beau were thanking Buck & Cindy for ALL of the AMAZING info.!! by the by, my BIG, BEAUTY~full ROCKSTARS LOVE Cindy & Buck & so do me & Sam!!:)

so, if you haven't picked up your copies of the 7 Clinics with Buck Brannaman DVD series yet, do yourself & your kiddos a favor & treat yourselves if you can to a gift of priceless information that will last a lifetime, you'll be BETTER for it and you'll be a BETTER horse person for your horses:)

here's to the POWER of KNOWLEDGE, to JOY, to HORSES & MUSIC & to DREAMin' BIG!!:) templeton thompson
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