Gracie's Choice (2004 TV Movie)
Wonderful movie
10 September 2013
Warning: Spoilers
Based on a true story, this is a movie that I decided to watch on Lifetime, simply because I was bored and couldn't find anything else to watch. I went in with expectations of another 'okay' Lifetime movie. However, I was more than just slightly surprised. Anyone with a heart would like this movie, and anyone who can relate to even SOME of the experiences shown, cant help but get pulled in immediately. Gracie is the oldest of 5 children, (the other 4 half-siblings), but even as a young teen, she was always more of a mother than the drug/ alcohol addicted 'mother' who seems to go a come as she pleases. Usually accompanied by a new 'man', aka flavor of the week. The grandmother attempts to help, but only enables her daughters behavior. Gracie makes a choice. She chooses to put her siblings ahead of herself and give them a better life, at the expense of her own. She gets emancipated & convinces a judge to give her a chance to be the mother that her own could and never would become. She goes to highschool, has a job, saves money for a car, gets a place to live, and manages to get her sibling's back in school, getting better grades and actually doing well. She proves that some teenage moms ARE able to do it all. She manages to do it w/ not just 1 child, but 3 (her sister had become pregnant & left by the time Gracie took over. She showed that giving birth doesn't make you a mother. She works hard to do what is right, and by the end, she still goes to college & gives her siblings/children a real life. This is not the typical Lifetime movie. VERY well made & great acting by everyone. A true story of a heartbreaking life, transformed into a story of "you can really come from nothing and become something amazing. Loved it!
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