Legend of the Red Reaper Premiere
1 September 2013
Last night, I was invited and purchased tickets to the world premiere screening of Legend of the Red Reaper. I must say that, in addition to the cast/crew being totally amazing and talented, that the story written and directed by Tara Cardinal, completely entertained & excited me!!

There are so many wonderful bits to this movie that did it for me. But the thing that most stood out was the story/plot. I love the main character, The Red Reaper, played by Tara Cardinal! She brought to life the story of a reaper that is half human, half demon. A woman struggling to discover who she is, what her purpose in life is. A woman in love, in transition, searching for a place in the world she lives in.

As the story unfolds, you learn about how this reaper's life began, what has brought her to the current state of the world she lives in and what has brought her world to the distress of the here and now. The Red Reaper, along with the characters of her two different worlds, takes you on a journey of self discovery, action, romance and drama. You go on the ride with all of them to an amazing adventure!

I don't want to give too much away....but totally recommend, that if you have the opportunity to see this movie, run to see it! You will be caught up in the world of Reapers and Demons and never be bored for a moment! Something in this movie for all genres of movie watchers! Congratulations and thank you to Tara Cardinal and her amazing cast/crew for a wonderful night of entertainment!! All the best to them, they deserve it! Sincerely, Celeste M.
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