I don't rate many movies high, this one is worth the watch!
12 September 2013
Let me start by saying I don't rate very many movies in the 8 9 or 10s but this one is a solid 9! I'm as harsh and hard a critic as they come but this movie was so well done it is hard not to like it. The movie has a solid dialog that drives the movie forward like a raging bull with great simplistic camera shots and settings. You can count the settings on 1 hand and they are well done and fit the tone of the dialog superbly. This movie is no doubt a low budget master piece and as a script writer think it is an amazing piece for younger writers to learn from. You don't need huge budgets to produce incredible work! It is a striking movie in the sense of Primer and I commend both writers for this excellent work. I back the AMC notion that story matters and they have produced a great one! You will love this movie! The only reason I did not give this movie a 10/10 is that I had to look up what P = NP is. If you are reading to deiced what if you are going to view the movie, it asks whether every problem whose solution can be quickly verified by a computer can also be quickly solved by a computer. Enjoy this film!
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