Weird but still watchable
14 September 2013
Okay this is a low budget film and certainly a bit weird but it still has dome merit. The premise is fairly simple with Richard as a wastrel being sent by his father, Henry II (played by Malcolm McDowell) to be toughened up with three torments (ordeals) by the Selector played by Stewart Arnold.

We are introduced to the Moor who befriends/helps him and the ordeals begin. Yes, it is noted that we never see more than a handful of nights at any time (armour is expensive) but the story proceeds. The fantastical elements are frankly, a bit tacky, but the rest of the story seems to hang together in a way.

The current score on IMDb (2.8) does not do it justice. Perhaps this is because it has more of a European/Foreign Language feel to it but it isn't a great film. There is significantly worse around rated higher.

I would say that the film is *not* worth while going out of your way to see but you do not have to run screaming from the venue.
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