If this doesn't warm your heart I'm sorry. You ain't got one.
15 September 2013
Having trudged my way, miserably, through much box office fare of late this little gem took on the status of a diamond in the dung heap.

It's pretty much the definition of "short and sweet". Others have described the wacky story so I won't bother. In theory it shouldn't work but somehow it does. I think maybe it's the immaculate deadpan of the lead actor that carries it; or maybe the catchy songs; or the way its low budget is always taken seriously - silly costumes notwithstanding; or the two genuinely touching love stories. Or... well, I could go on.

Find this movie, however you can, and give it a chance. It's adorable. If only it had been given the release it deserved I guarantee it would have been the talk of the town. Sadly the movie business doesn't roll that way.

One thing I absolutely guarantee: we'll be hearing more of the people involved before very long. As "calling cards" go it doesn't get much better than this.
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