Airborne (2012)
A very, very poor movie that never takes off
17 September 2013
It's a shame, Airborne did have potential. There were some talented actors on board and the story was a decent idea. Unfortunately the execution was poor, really poor. The acting was a mix of actors going through the motions and those who seem to think that yelling and screaming constantly is good acting. The story never engages, bogged down by sluggish pacing, the story taking far too long to get going, a fair few draggy irrelevant scenes and trying to do too much at once and doing it very badly indeed. You feel no emotional connection to the characters and know next to nothing about them, while the dialogue is stilted and improvised-sounding often and while you can excuse low-budget there was excuse for a lack of effort put into the special effects. Airborne is shot in a rather drab and veering on amateurish way, is uninterestingly scored and flatly and characterlessly directed. Overall, very, very poor, not worth bothering with. 1/10 Bethany Cox
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