They managed fit "horrible" into "Horror"
18 September 2013
The thing is... it's bad, and it knows it's bad. However, it's self awareness doesn't actually excuse it from being bad.

This is Mr. Magoo in a haunted house for 90 minutes. The jokes are cheap, easy, lazy, and lame. The characters have little to no human reaction to anything, which means they're not relatable and the joke is not there. Jokes have an undertone of either anger or sadism to them, so when the butt of the joke is unaffected, the joke is not executed. Being oblivious to everything is just one bad joke. And this is the joke they tell throughout the entire movie.

So basically, the fact that the movie knows that it's bad and not trying very hard is actually kind of an insult. The only joke is the sucker who bought a ticket to see this.
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