Review of 32A

32A (2007)
A charming and realistically brief portrayal of 1970's teenage life in Dublin.
18 September 2013
This film brings back memories of Dublin in the late 70's. The actors clothing, the vehicles on the roads and everything else about the film really hit the spot with me. Remember when most of Dublin's cinemas where in town and that's where we all met up? The actors play their parts very well. Maeve gives the right mix of innocence, curiosity and wonder. Her experiences will register with both male and female viewers who can remember that "sweet sixteen" time of their lives. The other actors fill their roles well and without competing for the number one spot. The nosy shopkeeper telling tales to Maeve's Dad is a reminder that in Ireland, someone always knows what you have been up to. Overall, this is a lovely film. It's a charming and realistically brief portrayal of teenage life at the time, and makes a welcome change from action and special effects.
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