Alien vs zombies with no aliens, no zombies, but lots of GAWD
19 September 2013
Warning: Spoilers
Yes, I watched the whole thing. I kept laughing through most of it, when I wasn't feeling sick to my stomach from gratuitous blood, viscera, and black or red slime. No, there are no aliens in this movie. No, there are no zombies in this movie. Zip. Zilcho. Not a one. If you LOVE gratuitous gore used in place of a halfway decent story, this is for you. If you LIVE FOR pastiches of other movies with not a single original idea, this is for you. (If you don't know what a pastiche is, that's when an idiot puts together more than one story other people came up with and pretends the combo is a new idea. This movie is a straight "Alien 1" plus a straight "Resident Evil 1" plus...are you ready for this...? Oh, how about I don't tell you, you can guess when I explain what IS in this movie, since it has no aliens and no zombies.

What IS in this movie is....THE DEVIL! When you stop laughing and can keep reading, well, let me tell you...that's what all those spiky no-not-an-alien and bubbly no-not-a-zombie things are. (And the tentacle monster as well!) They are MINIONS. That's what happens when the "infected" die off...the demonic biomatter in them begins restructuring them into minions of Lucifer...which is the dead body that the research team has bought from Russia where it was stored since being discovered in WWII and has been pulling DNA from and cloning...and how do I know this? The head scientist tells the mercenaries that near the end.

See what you find out when you actually watch the entire turkey? Anyway, there you have your third movie that was mixed into this mess.

It only deserves a one because the spaceship was nicely done, and the actors really tried hard.
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