Not nearly as naked as you might suspect.
21 September 2013
Larry Buchanan is a director whose output is among the worst in movie history. Despite Ed Wood gaining recognition as the worst director in history, I really think Buchanan is at least as bad--possibly worse. Don't believe me? Try watching Buchanan's films--such as "Zontar: The Thing From Venus", "Mars Needs Women", "In the Year 2889" and "Curse of the Swamp Creature". These horrible films might even make you appreciate "Plan 9 From Outer Space" just a little bit more!!

As for "The Naked Witch", most of Buchanan's early work consisted of making porno films. While they would seem amazingly tame today, back in the early 1960s they were pretty hot stuff. "The Naked Witch" is one of these films, though there is practically no nudity in this one--at least until late in the film. As it sat on the shelf for several years, it could be that they edited out all the nude scenes--or it was just a film that offered a lot of tease and little please. And, while this may sound really nasty, the woman who took her clothes off would today be seen as quite unattractive--so you perverts out there could certainly do better!

The first portion of the film is a prologue--with LOTS of narration and up close shots of various Hieronymous Bosch paintings (often with very incorrect interpretations). This section is about witches and witchcraft and is mostly a lot of baloney--and pretty dull. Amazingly, after the credits then roll, there is ANOTHER narrated sequence! So, you have a 59 minute movie that doesn't actually start until about eight and a half minutes AFTER these prologues! Talk about filler! The story itself is mostly shot silently with voice-over added later. The music is straight from an electric organ. Together, the film looks and sounds absolutely horrible--like a home movie from the time. The story, such as it is, involves a grad student who arrives in a weird town in Texas to research about witches (and EVERYONE knows Texas is a great place for this!!). After learning the story about a woman who was killed years before as a witch, this idiot digs her up and pulls away a stake--and she becomes alive (and naked)--looking to inflict revenge on the family of the man responsible for her death. During most of these naked scenes, you really see nothing. Only later, in a long and completely out of place portion, do you see her swimming about naked for absolutely no reason.

Believe me, even with the nudity, this is an amazingly bad film. It's dull, very, very amateurishly made (MUCH more than an Ed Wood film) and is about as entertaining as watching your own mother get naked! Not for the squeamish.
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