Most boring movie ever
24 September 2013
I was forced to watch this snore fest by my girlfriend who wanted to see it because Josh Hartnet is in it. He appears a third of the way through for a total of 3 minutes. He is utterly boring, in keeping with the boring direction, dialog, and lack of action the producer and director of this "movie" seem to be hell bent on subjecting us to. My girlfriend was so bored she quit watching after Hartnet's useless character disappeared. (Josh was probably too bored to continue). If you want to see boring people saying and doing boring things (at least for the half of the movie I saw), or, if you have misplaced your sleeping pills and need to become comatose quickly, this movie is for you. Seriously, we are forced to watch people saying and doing things that would be boring to us if we did them ourselves in real life. We get to watch people go to 3 or 4 bars and play video games! We get to see people ride bikes! A half hour of my life I'll never get back. Now I'm off to watch the Japanese film Hausu, a really GREAT movie!
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