Russia: Phsycopath hotspot
26 September 2013
Warning: Spoilers
This is the scariest movie I've ever seen. It features actual, real people so evil in mind that no fiction I've seen could replicate.

The crazies said it best themselves: "What would they have done to them in the 16th century?". That's the time they live in. Sexism, discrimination, torture, thralldom and enforced religious servitude. That's their ideal society. These people are the real demons and true monsters of the human race. They should think long and hard about being lucky enough to have been born as a human being on earth, and what moral ethos should follow that.

Instead, they claim the right to enslave an entire nation of people under a set of submissive, authoritarian and tyrannical principles. Not only is everyone not subscribing to this a "sinner", "witch", or "demon" but anyone giving it any sort any sort of criticism is a "blasphemer" fit only for the harshest penalty.

Watch for yourself if you want to dwell into the horrors of a small-minded and reactionary society that exists to this day. I couldn't get through more than 3/4s of it before getting a very deep momentary depression. Pussy Riot are heroes for fighting this very real and extremely widespread and systematic oppression that so many of their countrymen help support (actively or passively).

So to any Russians: Please don't stand by and let Putin make your country an Orwellian society come to life. Don't let these people who belong in insane asylums be the spokespersons of your country backed up by their cold-hearted leader. I don't blame you for being scared and wanting stability (though those problems will only increase with a real dictatorship), but if you're willing to fight back that's very admirable. I would surely flee into exile abroad if any opportunity presented itself, had I grown up there.
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