A ludicrously silly (bad) movie
28 September 2013
This is one ludicrously silly movie and not really in a good way. The basic story is rather silly to start with. A bunch of rich people with zero combat experience and huge egos gets themselves inserted into a combat situation for thrills. The "company" providing the service is actually a bunch of rebels trying to fund their operations. As I said rather silly. As an action comedy it could have worked though.

Unfortunately the implementation is equally ridiculous. It is obvious that the director is as null on actual military operations as the rich thrill-seekers in the movie. Already the first action sequences were the, supposedly skilled captain McCenzie is introduced, are downright laughable with the captain running around like a monkey shooting people left right and center.

The film, unfortunately, continues very much in this style. There is not a shred of realism or meaningful story in the entire movie. There are some fun or otherwise enjoyable scenes which saved my movie evening and saved this movie from getting a one-star rating but that is just barely. One of the reasons I decided to watch this movie was due to actors like Sean Bean and sure enough, they perform as well as can be expected with the rather louse material that they are given to work with.

Not a movie that I would recommend to anyone.
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