Star Trek: Voyager: Someone to Watch Over Me (1999)
Season 5, Episode 21
Even Vedeks (and Seven) let their hair down
2 October 2013
Warning: Spoilers
...Or whatever the Kadi call their Priests. Janeway and Tuvok must needs meet with these ritualistic, religious people in order to form an accord, while one of their caste comes to Voyager to see how things happen on the ship. Enter Vedek Tomin (Scott Thompson), who enters Voyager with a stick up his rear. But the moment his Boss, Vedek "Abbot" (Ian Abercrombie) leaves, he suddenly doesn't want to adhere to the religious itinerary he was supposed to adhere to.

Meanwhile Seven of Sixty-Nine is still taking Hoomanity Lessons from The Doctor, he's got her up to the point where she can try Dating. Tom Paris scoffs at this and makes a gentleman's wager with Doc as to the outcome of Seven's Date with Lt. Chapman (Brian McNamara) which Seven has selected as the only male in Voyager's crew that meets her rigid criteria. She had let Harry Kim down gently in the Astrophysics lab.

In fact, Seven had been closely monitoring Tom Paris and B'Elanna Torres, she had stashed away several Gigaquads of data just on their "Intimate Activities" which Seven claims can be heard by the whole deck. B'Elanna offers to break Seven's nose for the trouble but is distracted at the last minute.

Meanwhile, Tomin plants himself squarely in front of a replicator with a knife and fork and gobbles down every dish he can find starting with Bajoran Hasperat- These Kadi Vedeks are not supposed to enjoy any spicy foods, so Mexican is out for him.

But before Neelix, who is assigned to keep an eye on Tomas, can stop him, Tomas had found his way into Tom Paris' French bar Holo-Program "Sandrine's" and had discovered alcoholic beverages- And Exotic Bolian and other alien Women. Thus Neelix needs to introduce him to Coffee.

The booze just isn't wearing off, and he makes an Arse out of himself in the Galley by trying to make a grab at Seven, whose Date ended with almost breaking Chapman's arm while dancing. The Doctor was trying to win the bet by inviting Seven to the event, but Tom turns the tables on the Doc by admitting defeat- In front of her.

So we end up with an Alien Ambassador passed out in Sickbay, and the normal ways The Doc has to sober a person up will not work on this guy's metabolism. So Seven has to inject him with Nanoprobes just to get him to the point where he can stand up in front of his Abbot.

Ironically, Abbot tells Tomas of the wasted opportunity to indulge in Debauchery- As long as he did not make a "habit" of it.

Now, to make matters worse, The Doc in teaching Seven how to sing "You Are My Sunshine" has fallen in love with her!

But he's too chicken to do anything about it. Eventually he will blurt it out, but by that time it will be too late, because the series ended just one episode after that.
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