The Rifleman: Dead Cold Cash (1960)
Season 3, Episode 9
Murder in mind from the grave
4 October 2013
Warning: Spoilers
THE RIFLEMAN – Dead Cold Cash – 1960

Chuck Connors headlines this 1958 to 1963 western series that ran for 168 episodes. Connors is a world class hand with a Winchester rifle. This of course ends up getting him in no end of trouble.

Sara Taft, an old widow woman is on her deathbed when she calls North Fork Sheriff, Paul Fix to her side. She tells Fix that she intends to see local rancher, Chuck Connors dead. Connors had shot and killed her outlaw husband years before. Taft then dies.

The next day, the town lawyer, Chris Alcaide, calls a town meeting. When all have gathered, he pulls out the last will of the dead woman, Taft. In it she leaves $100,000 to be divided equally among the townspeople. She has had a strongbox in storage at the bank for years. But there is a catch, Connors must be dead within seven days of the reading, or no money.

Sheriff Fix takes possession of the strong box so no one gets any ideas. He also wants to check the serial numbers on the bills. It could be the money is from hold-ups Taft's outlaw husband pulled. Several days later, Ed Nelson rides into town. Nelson is kin to one of the townsfolk, Steve Darrell. Darrell tells Fix and Connors that Nelson is a disgrace to the family. Nelson works as a gun for hire and is suspected in more than a few killings.

Nelson of course is there to kill Connors. The question is who in town hired him? Nelson soon attempts to get the drop on Connors. Unfortunately for Nelson, Connors sees the play and fires first and best. A look see through the man's effects finds a letter from the widow Taft. In it, Taft promises Nelson $5,000 to gun Connors. As it turns out, nobody in town gets any money as it all seems to be stolen cash from bank robberies. (b/w)
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