Review of Eat Sleep Die

Eat Sleep Die (2012)
A glimpse into real life in rural Sweden
6 October 2013
Eat Sleep Die is one of these film which gives you a real life update, and both tears you up and gives you positive view of good people struggling using their positive thinking.

We meet 20 year old Rasa, which came from Montenegro in former Yoguslavia together with her father as a refugee, to rural Southern Sweden. She is one of he most efficient workers at the salad packing factory, but is being laid off when the company has to restructure. Whith out a driving license and a father which is far from well, she struggles in finding a new job.

This is a glimpse into real working life Sweden, and real life for the many immigrants to the Nordic countries. It's everyday life, and nothing like a dream world. Still there's lot of friendship, brotherhood and love of life which gives both hope and enjoyment. Rasa is a positive girl, and when she cries it is when she is happy.

Gabriela Pichlrr has made a film which has gotten wide appraisals for it's portrayal of realism and hope amongst Swedish immigrants. Nermina Lukac does a great job, and the film won the four most important Guldbagge prizes in 2012, well deserved.
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