Scores on both entertainment and art scale
18 September 2013
Warning: Spoilers
I can only score this movie on top of the scale. It is raw, Quinten Tarantino style, and goes beyond that. The characters are so over the top, and yet, absolutely believable. This is, due to the actors performances, the brilliant script that allows actors to talk to the camera at certain points (forget Ferris Bueller, this really works), and the dialog. The latter can only be described as "real life" conversation. To top everything of, there is humor. Humor that will have you doubting constantly if it is OK to laugh. But you will. Not only jokes, mostly situation humor. At the same time, Luk Wijns shows that he is not as messed up as the movie characters by confronting you with some of the downsides of criminality and internet porn. But don't worry, there is no accusation, you will have to figure that out for yourself.

The story: a family that shares a circus performance dream, uses criminality and a total lack of values, to get ahead in the world. They win some but could loose some more.
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