Perry Mason: The Case of Constant Doyle (1963)
Season 6, Episode 16
Other than the incredible Betty Davis, nothing to see here
9 October 2013
I am sure that many people are going to love this episode just because the incredible Betty Davis plays the lead character in this show. And yes, she does an outstanding job playing the widow lawyer that defends a young man on murder charges. But the show was actually lackluster. The best part of the show was the last ten minutes when Ms Davis (Constant Doyle) breaks the case in open court but how we get to the real killer is what is called 'writers TV magic'.

The story is more complicated than needed as Constant Doyle (Ms Davis) defends a young, Carl Leonard, of murder when he is found stumbling over the dead man by none other than Paul Drake. But it is not a regular boy inside Carl Leonard, he is nearly a savant as he can remember numbers like he is some kind of 'Rain Man'.

This will be of most importance as Constant gets close to the end of the trial with things looking bleak. It will be Carl's magic with numbers and a use of a raincoat that will bring the case to a close.

Betty Davis was terrific as the woman lawyer who also had a small stake in the case. But it was everything in-between that was slow and complicated. Enjoyed watching Ms Davis take on the big boys at the court house but one time may be enough. Yet, we have three more weeks before Raymond Burr will return to take his rightful place as the lead defendant's lawyer on the series.
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