I liked the anime better but this deserves an A for effort.
9 October 2013
Warning: Spoilers
I watched this out of curiosity and I didn't find it too bad though I preferred the anime (which was actually better then the manga) this was a pretty decent interpretation of GTO where I felt the GTO 2012 live adaptation was not at all.

I liked Sorimachi's interpretation of Onizuka because really he did inject humanity into Onizuka's character (where the anime did a great job of that) and was genuinely humorous unlike Akira's flat and tasteless interpretation of Onizuka in the 2012 live Azusa in this was much better and Nanako Matsushima gave a good performance and I liked how in this she was not some puppy to Onizuka like in the anime (though I admit the manga did that too) unlike Miori Takamoto's interpretation of Azusa.

Also like the anime characters were left out (as much as Urumi Kanzaki was my favourite character she would not have fit well in a live adaptation particularly one like this and don't get me started on other pointless stories, plot lines etc.) and to good effect plus nobody was neglected like in the anime.

There were more episodes and more of a story then the dreadful 2012 live action and there was actual character development not to mention far better story-lines.

Also this did a better job of living up to the spirit of the anime (and GTO's predecessors Shonan Junan Gumi and Bad Company) then either the 2012 live action or the GTO manga itself ever did.

I do think this is so-so compared to the anime but there was so much effort in this and there was better acting and story telling then the utterly moronic 2012 Live Action Series, with its horrible scripts and terrible acting.

So if you want GTO go for the anime (avoid the manga because it had so much junk, plot holes and pointless characters got introduced very few had any potential even then they got wasted on how they were included) but if you want a live action version go for this one because it is better then the 2012 live action in so many ways!
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