Machete Kills (2013)
Loved the Original, Hated the Sequel!
11 October 2013
Wow...that sucked! Quite disappointed, as I was expecting something along the lines of the first Machete, but instead had to sit through this boring compilation of killings and poor acting.

Don't get me wrong, I love these type of movies and I really enjoyed the first Machete! However when it comes to the was really bad, there's no way around it. One would think a movie that puts in so many recognizable faces would be more entertaining to watch than a crawling snail. The dialogues were arduous to listen to and even more so to wait for them to finish, jokes were really flat that couldn't even put a smirk on my face and the whole story was utterly slow and predictable.

I sincerely urge you not to waste your time on this.
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