M Squad: The Cover Up (1958)
Season 1, Episode 16
A Real Twister of an Episode
11 October 2013
Warning: Spoilers
M-SQUAD –The Cover Up -1958

This is episode 16 of the 1957 to 1960 Crime series, M-SQUAD. The series ran for 117 episodes and features Lee Marvin as the headliner. Marvin is a Lt with the elite M-Squad unit of the Chicago Police.

This one has M-Squad looking into a murder. M-Squad Lt. Lee Marvin is summoned to a high class apartment building. He finds the DA, Dan Tobin and his aide, Paul Langton there. Marvin asks why the DA would be at the murder scene. Tobin knows the dead man as well as the main suspect, Willard Parker.

Parker and Tobin had been partners in a Law firm years before. There had been a rather nasty falling out between the two men. Tobin strongly hints that Marvin needs to arrest and charge Parker for the murder. It seems that Parker and the dead man's wife, Jeanne Cooper had been an item at one time.

Marvin does not play well when unwanted pressure is applied. He tells Tobin he will do a straight and by the numbers investigation of the murder. Tobin needs to back off. We now find out that Parker had been doing a report on corruption in the DA's office.

The more Marvin digs the more curves are thrown at him. Did Parker do the deed, or was it Miss Cooper, or yet other parties trying to silence Parker's report? Then someone takes shots at Marvin which adds a further bee under his hat. Marvin goes over every detail of the case looking for a clue.

The work pays off and Marvin ends up collaring Tobin's aide, Langton. The man had been taking brides to lose files etc in the DA's office. Parkers report might have exposed him and stopped the money gravy-train.

The director of this little twister was, Edward Ludwig. Ludwig was best known for helming a trio of John Wayne films. The three are, THE FIGHTING SEEBEES, WAKE OF THE RED WITCH and BIG JIM McLain. The cinematographer was the Oscar nominated, Bud Thackery.
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