Review of Menace

Law & Order: Menace (1997)
Season 7, Episode 11
Like the folks you meet on the Brooklyn Bridge
13 October 2013
It could just as easily been a suicide, a woman jumping off the Brooklyn Bridge at night other than several witnesses that Jerry Orbach and Benjamin Bratt have to laboriously track down to find out that in fact she may have jumped to elude some guys pursuing her.

It turns out that the victim was formerly the secretary and bookkeeper for John Collum whose factory burned down in a suspicious arson fire. The fire marshals had previously said it was passing vagrants, but as things progress it turns out to be more suspicious than that for Collum and his son Christopher Cousins.

The bridge pursuers are a real credit to society. One is played by John Ellison Conlee with the name of Crazy Mike McDugan and he's a leg breaker for hire and doesn't have too much smarts. The other has the colorful name of Randall the Candle, he's the arsonist who did the deed. He only has one scene, but Rusty DeWees is one menacing dude and infinitely smarter than his prison pal as you'll see.

Great Law And Order episode as Sam Waterston builds his case and only at the very last minute is all revealed.
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