Review of Beyond

Beyond (2010)
I should have been there (web)
17 October 2013
Warning: Spoilers
This is really a deep (and very sad) Noomie's movie but if i have to take one thing, it will be that cry from her that i chose for my summary.

I think that i have already talked about it in my review for "You don't know Jack", but watching your old relative in a hospital is so far the more painful experience i lived! Like the movie tells with tact, every one knows that this hospital chamber is indeed a death antechamber and this realization is just unbearable for all of us, the family in bed as well the fit family. You don't even have to speak, the eye says it all and Noomi's ones are extraordinary for that. As you still hope for the unlikely miracle of recovery, at a moment, you have to leave for the night and as in the movie, later, you receive that dreadful call that delivers the long expected sad new. That's why Noomi's reaction is so authentic for me because it's exactly the feeling that should get out: " i should have been there" and as the movie depicts, all the surviving family cries in unison, bonding together. My experience was to have been raised in a shy family in which those kinds of feeling aren't not expressed with such violence so, even if i have a twin brother, i just feel so alone with my pain. At nearly 40 now, i really crave to experience it at last, just hug a loved one and cry all the pain i bottled up...

Beyond this sadness, the movie really cut another wound when it deals with dysfunctional family. If mine was a Vulcan one, at last, my parents wed for the better. Still together after 45 years with no real threats like alcoholism, abuse or jobless. Sure, there had been some rare tension with shouts, but never even a small strike! So, i realize that in that perspective, my brother and me are highly privileged to have such parents while in other family, this dream can really turns into a nightmare where kids are even more the victims than the parents. It was instructive to see that it was school that alerts social service as i really expected it was rather their neighborhood. Why? Just because, unlike what happens in France where neighbors are totally strangers, ghosts you never talk or know. Here, everyone welcomed this Swedish family and they just knew, i bet, what happens beyond walls. So finally, kind or distant neighbors remain helpless.

If this is really one of the saddest movies I watched, at least, it's not cruel as the little brother's death isn't put in pictures. It looms heavily all the movie and a bit like in "jude", "hideous kinky", you expect it to happen suddenly and you get tenser as the minutes go by. But finally, this last ordeal remains in words and the director is kind for that.

The cast is outstanding: the young Noomi is very talented and wait for the credits to discover 2 great facts: 1) this daughter and son are indeed relatives as i found that they were looking alike. 2) this young actress was also the young Lisbeth Salander so also another young Noomi and that's good for them to meet again. As for Noomi, she was as always very moving, unleashing all her feelings. It was also interesting to see her play with her husband and again dealing with a character, in a way speaking to her own personal story with her late father (a bit like Bono runs endlessly for the mother he loses as a child....)

RIP to all the one who departed ! May you be happy forever and wait to rejoice with you Svinalängorna(=beyond)....
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