Gossip Girl: New York, I Love You XOXO (2012)
Season 6, Episode 10
Fitting End
18 October 2013
I have seen, and been greatly disappointed by many series finales yet my first thought when the final credits rolled was "flawless". The writers pulled off this conclusion flawlessly. OK well, maybe is wasn't "perfect" per se (few finales are) but it ended in such a way that I certainly didn't feel like I'd wasted years of my life following a show with no pay off in the end. Everything seemed pretty logical and true to form as far as the characters are concerned.

While I wasn't exactly blown away by the big reveal of Gossip Girl's true identity I won't lie and say I "totally saw it coming" either. I'm glad it turned out to be who it was and the Kristen Bell cameo was very well done. I liked the brief flash-forward at the end as well and I liked seeing where certain characters ended up. All in all, I'm quite pleased and more than happy to give this a very high rating.
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