Best if seen by those entertained by Andy
19 October 2013
I first saw this movie when it came out, and have just watched it again. Admittedly, I marveled at the unique comic genius of Andy Kaufman, and sadly we have seen no one like him since he left us. Andy was the absolute king of the put-on -- no entertainer has has ever done it better. And this movie says it in the comedic, sometimes raw and unnerving, manner in which it took place and as performed. Jim Carrey, an actor who delivers inconsistent performances, is simply outstanding in his dead-on portrayal of the physical and mental comedic genius Andy Kaufman. This movie beautifully exemplifies the two classic masks of good drama, which are Comedy and Tragedy. The fact that many actors in this movie depiction actually did know and work with Andy is also a testament to a unique comedic talent who left us too early. And thanks do Danny DeVito who worked with and knew Andy, for not only appearing in the movie but producing it as well. For those who never had the experience of seeing, when it was first aired, or who didn't appreciate his SNL performance of 'Mighty Mouse', for those who never saw or who didn't appreciate Kaufman's Elvis, for those who never saw or didn't appreciate Kaufman and Michael Richards on "Fridays", and for those who cannot appreciate the show biz put-on that professional wresting is, you probably need not see this movie as you may never be able to comprehend all of it or appreciate it.
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