Downton Abbey: Episode #4.5 (2013)
Season 4, Episode 5
As some stories become, temporarily, resolved, new ones pop up.
20 October 2013
Warning: Spoilers
So much happens in each episode of Downton Abbey that you can hardly tell what maybe worth noting or what maybe just a comment to not take seriously. For example, Tom once more admits to feeling like an outsider, and again talks about leaving, but this time for America with his daughter. However, each time something convinced him to stay and be it Lady Mary, who still is in need of his counsel and his alliance, or perhaps ripping his daughter from half of her family, surely something will keep him around.

But, as Tom goes back and forth, including not siding with Mary on a issue when it comes to foreclosing on someone and taking their land, it seems Mary also is having issues with revisiting the past. This episode features a man named Mr. Napier visiting, a man who came before Matthew but didn't seal things with Mary. It leads one to wonder why are so many men coming out the woodwork for Mary? Though not as cold as she used to be, it does make you wonder if people are looking to get their hands onto Downton through her. I mean, though Matthew left his hefty piece of ownership to his son, Mary is still in control and it does make you wonder if maybe these men popping left and right want some say. Of course though they could maybe just want at her, who knows.

But, while Mary seems to have men flying at her, Edith is having trouble trying to get even the littlest peep out of hers. Mr. Gregson has lately not sent a letter and seemingly when Edith goes to London to see him, all she finds is a Dr.'s office, strangely. Still, worry and drama over lovers doesn't just exist amongst those with title, but amongst the staff as well. Jimmy seems to have become a bit envious of Alfred as he tries to better himself, and is off to London's Ritz hotel, and Ivy takes notice. Daisy even shows signs of thinking something of Alfred, and it makes the whole house, upstairs and downstairs root for him to work at the Ritz. Unfortunately though, be it Jimmy did something or the news was real, he seemingly didn't get in. Maybe though this will become the kick in the pants Jimmy needs to do something with his life perhaps?

That bit of drama aside, the big draw of the episode is Bates finding out about Anna's rape. You see, Bates confronts Ms. Hughes, threatens to resign and with that gets all the information he wants. Then he talks to Anna about it, reassures her and you think all is done, but when he speaks to Ms. Hughes near the end of the episode, ominous music plays and seemingly Bates has revenge on mind. However, he isn't 100% sure, due to Anna and Ms. Hughes' lies, who was the rapist.

Outside of that, we also get some insight on why Thomas was so keen on helping Ms. Baxter, Countess Grantham's new Lady's maid. Well, as he explains it, with him being out of favor with most and having no allies, he has lost his ability to get information. This is where Ms. Baxter comes in, you see he lost favor with Ms. O'Brien and that cut him off from everything happening amongst the Earl and Countess when it comes to decisions, but because he thinks something is brewing in the future he wants her to let him in. Which seemingly she will. Not because she is a like Edna or O'Brien and has a love for trouble, but perhaps just out of thanks for the job. Still though, between her getting information from upstairs and her rising profile with the staff, who knows what little wicked things Thomas may get to do with the information he'll get.

Last thing to mention is the relationship between the Dowager and Mrs. Crawley. Since Mrs. Crawley was introduced these two women have had a frenemy type relationship. Ms. Crawley pushes too far and the Dowager mumbles something under her breath, or behind Ms. Crawley's back, and then smiles in the woman's face next time she sees her. But, something Mrs. Crawley mentions in this episode makes you see that in many ways her relationship with the Dowager is similar to Matthew's relationship to Mary. In many ways, Mrs. Crawley is the one who softens the Dowager a bit. For while the Dowager isn't completely a cold hearted woman, she doesn't go out of her way to get involved in matters outside of family. With Mrs. Crawley around however, she makes her more involved with village activities and reminds us that, like Tom, she is sort of a middle man who can act between the estate and the villagers providing them assistance.

Overall, I am in quite a bit of love with the show and am surprised after 5 episodes I'm not hemming and hawing about watching it. Not to say it may not happen in the future, but at this moment I can't foresee why I would. It makes it sort of sad really others shows can't be this consistent.
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