Review of Judas Ghost

Judas Ghost (2013)
Ghost finders filming a how-to in a haunted schoolroom find more than anyone would bargain for.
5 October 2013
Saw this at Shriekfest: literally the 1st "movie" I've seen at my 4 festivals. Terrific acting and story, solid story-driven camera-work, great "look," shot for half-a-Mil. Only flaws are nitpickies made in any film. My vote was a 9, but I kicked it to 10 for this first-time director because it's every bit as good as Cusack/Håfström's 1408 on a tenth the budget. - Really IMDb? Ten lines of text? - Okay: I thought this would be a standard indie horror when I saw the trailer, but it *way* exceeded my expectations. The characters were people you enjoyed spending the time with embodied by actors confident (for good reason) in their abilities. The camera-work was innovative without putting a spotlight on itself, in full service to the story. The effects were used to striking effect, the low-budget shadows notwithstanding. I especially loved the "main" character's one bright-red arm of gore, like some sort of military presentation/accolade. -- Nice job and can't wait to see more from this hat-trick of director, producer and screenwriter.
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