The Story of India (2007– )
Outcome of poor research
21 October 2013
Warning: Spoilers
1) I smell the British colonialism in the Series on India

2) What happened to Adi Shankaracharya? what on earth BBC is doing? Adi Shankaracharya is as important as Buddha, you understand that?

3) Where is Sri Krishnadevaraya?

4) Soma, the tree, may be produced in India, who knows exactly the climatic conditions in India 4000 years ago?

5) Where is Konark temple? what about the temple at Utharakand built by AdiShankaracharya? 6) You have not mentioned the greatness of Sanskrit

7) In ancient days, Vedic hymes are chanted by three varnas, not only Brahmans.

8) Sudra was the classification given based on nature of a person, but not by birth

9) Buddha eating pork? You gotta kidding me

10) Meat was never part of diet of Indians, not for first three Varnas, only Sudras are regular consumers of meat

11) As per Indian texts caste is brought in to divide the work

12) untouchability was never part of Ancient Indian history, I believe you English started concept of untouchability, Please read Bhagawad Geeta for proof

13) You have not mentioned Indian schools of Philosophy, ASthika and nasthika

14) Ancient Engineering marvels of India, no show on it

15) There is no way you could kill a animal or bird, or anything that moves on earth during Yagas. In Ashwamedha yaga, you will not Kill Horse. (Deep understanding of Vedas, Homas, Yagnas will give insight of Sacrifice but there is no killing I tell you)

16) Where is the reference of Andhra Pradesh?!

17) Speed of light is mentioned in Rig veda, you have not mentioned it

18) There are several interpretations of the word Hiranya Gharbha

19) You also neglected to mention Vimanika Shastra Very important, Ancient Indian education can shape human in perfect manner.
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