Old Wine, almost new bottle
22 October 2013
Another perspective of adult relations and society from the perspective of a near innocent adolescent. The movie almost pulls it off, the too- sensible-for-his-age child, teaching people around him, and learning from an uber cool wash out; but almost. The movie is about the Kid and his emotionally vulnerable mother, and how as the male he seeks to protect her, clashing against the new male in her life. Of course, there's the cute neighbor he thinks of, and the awkward friends for the random comedy gags. Sam Rockwell, has played the character to perfection...but the character is so so exploited and abused, that you almost wish that he fails. As Owen, he plays the super cool has-been who now lives life on his terms, gets plenty of action, talks to strange kids, and interns young kids to become sensible adults. The actor is good, the character... the worst character though has to be Betty. I simply cannot understand why a talented actor like Allison Janney would try to pull this off: the typical over friendly neighborhood drunk, jokes about sensitive stuff, and is not a very good mother. Steve Carell is wasted, stuck in the background as he tries to make it work and more.

Not a must watch, but a decent time killer.
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