What's Behind It?
22 October 2013
Charles Laughton stars as evil Sir De Maletroit, who invites reputed cad Dennis(played by Richard Stapley) to his manor home with the intention that he marry his niece Blanche(played by Sally Forest) He seeks revenge against his brother Edmond(imprisoned in his dungeons) because he dared marry the woman he loved. The plan goes awry when Dennis and Blanche unexpectedly fall in love, and are aided by his servant Voltan(played by Boris Karloff) to escape, but of course it wont be as simple as that. Not bad thriller is adequately directed by future TV director Joseph Pevney, who creates some atmosphere, but wastes Karloff in such a small role, and Laughton is quite hammy here. Story is OK but unexceptional in this mostly mediocre film, worth a watch on a rainy day at least!
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