Uncertainty (2008)
One certainty: Indistinctness (web)
26 October 2013
Warning: Spoilers
For one time, there is a American movie who just wants to tell stories about an ordinary young couple and offers a new angle to shoot it: parallel lives. So there's a sure freshness coming from the movie and I encourage those choices. In addition, it's shot almost continuously on locations in NYC, in summer so it has energy, punch and coolness. The cast revolves around two sympathetic and promising new faces that are now all alone on the poster, Lynn and the smiling "Robin". There's a good chemistry between them and I was on their side.

Unfortunately, the hopes don't make a good movie. The opening is awful: long still shots, with cryptic sentences and cut by black screen is a sure way to destroy any coherence. The couple then divides, running opposite on the bridge and then, we have the two stories, yellow and green, for Independence Day. If the yellow part about the found phone is a thriller, the other part is a dull soap in a family reunion. But, coherence, believability are left on the way as Lynn's family is totally Latino (why?) with dumb characters (Diego, the disappeared brother) and the chase is unrealistic (they are left by police when they report a murder, the criminal knows exactly in what building they have run...).

And frankly, the parallel lives concept isn't very used: there's one event that happens in the two time-lines (the friend's party) but except that, you really think it's rather two couples played by the same cast as facts are really attached to one choice, either green (pregnancy, family) or yellow (job, home).

So, finally, it's a movie that walks outside the usual paths, that is well played and directed but that's very poorly scripted.
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