Meet The Monsters.
27 October 2013
Abbott & Costello play two freight handlers named Chick Young & Wilbur Grey, who get mixed up with McDougall's House Of Horrors, which has recently gained possession of Dracula(Bela Lugosi) & Frankenstein(played by Glenn Strange) The Wolf Man(Lon Chaney Jr.) is close behind, as he warns the boys of the threat, but is too late, since Dracula revives the monster and plans to give him a new brain with the help of lady scientist Sandra Mornay(played by Lenore Aubert) who has selected Wilbur as the best candidate. Jane Randolph plays insurance investigator Joan Raymond, looking into the now missing monsters.

Classic farce is a funny spoof of the monster genre that Universal Studios made popular for 15 years. Fine cast and well-paced direction all make this fondly remembered film stand up so well, though it must be said that the plot(even for a spoof) is pretty nonsensical. Should not be looked at as a sequel to "House Of Dracula", though fans still disagree about that to this day!
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