Review of Jobs

Jobs (2013)
A poorly made re-telling of a true visionary and inspiration
28 October 2013
Warning: Spoilers
So Hollywood finally did it. A full length biopic based on Steve Jobs. They really went there, didn't they? Making profit of a dead man. Good job! Was it any good? Meh. It was okay. But it felt like the director was as unmotivated as you could be. First of all, this shouldn't be called jOBS. Why? Because this is mostly about APPLE, not Jobs. If you read the biographic book, you can see that there's so much left out here. It's focused on APPLE. With Steve Jobs at the side. but it's all made with the wrong intentions. Not to inform people about Jobs life, not to make an amazing tribute to the one and only true visionary. Hell, the director probably didn't know anything about this guy and his company and just googled it, copied it and wrote a crappy script. There's so many scenes that are inaccurate and wrong, some scenes never even happened. Yes, Steve was an a**hole sometimes. We all know that. But that was what drove Apple to the wealth they have today. Apple wouldn't have come so far if it wasn't for Steve's egoism and visions. This movie did a good job at portraying Steve, they weren't too easy on him, they actually showed his bad sides, his egoism, when he actually was an a**hole. But instead of balancing between good and being an a**hole, they just went, well, full a**hole. And this wasn't the case. I never met Steve, but I'm pretty sure he wasn't like that all the time. However, this movie is inspirational. Because it encourages you to never give up on your dreams, your visions. To make the impossible, well, possible. Steve did that. (With the help of some other people like Wozniak.) But the script, well, isn't really well written and if you're an Apple fanatic, have read the book about Jobs and Apple, watched documentaries and such, you're going to feel like this movie is a waste of time. I am an apple fanatic. I love Apple stuff. There were so many inaccuracies in this movie, I cringed a lot. But it's all entertainment. So, If you're an apple nerd or at least interested in technology and the history of tech, this movie will entertain you. But if you're not interested, You'll probably think this movie is boring. It's not an awful movie, but It's not good either. Is it worth the watch? If you have time over and has the interest in computers and tech. Otherwise, no.

Ashton Kutcher does look a lot like Steve, but fails to act like him. Don't get me wrong - Kutchers acting is pretty good. But it does NOT fit Jobs role. even though Kutcher nailed Jobs very weird way of walking - creds to him for that.
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