Review of Copper

Copper (2012– )
28 October 2013
I was very impressed by the period sets and costumes. It seems a great deal of money was spent to create the city, vehicles, and indoor environments.

The dialog was reasonable, situations seemed plausible, but I felt the episode to episode overall plot lacked definition. I couldn't figure out what the purpose of the series was other than aimless marching through a series of events. There was no "win" perspective, little to keep me watching the rest of the series other than a curiosity to know if something substantial was going to happen. I never felt as if a single case began and ended in each episode, nor did I sense a multi- episode theme.

The amount of crudeness certainly makes this an adult only series. I don't doubt that this could be an accurate representation of life in New York in the 1860s.

I'm watching the first season episodes but may lay the series aside at any time.
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