A big fat lie that was very well written and produced..
29 October 2013
I watched this recently and am surprised there is only one other review here on IMDb. Disney Studios were masters in production, animation, visual effects, storyline.. This piece is really very well made. The history of the study of the atom in itself is very interesting and here it is presented very straightforwardly and in a way that is very easy to understand. Also, the artwork and effects are very far ahead of their time and still very captivating more than 50 years later. This shows how high the level Disney were at, miles away from any other competitors in the field. I think this has much to do with the man himself. However, I can't help but doubt his aims in producing this film.

This piece is in fact a very nasty, horrible piece of propaganda in favor of nuclear power, with the memories of the Second World War still very fresh. It was designed to literally brainwash young children into thinking that radioactive nuclear power was a necessity and something positive. Sadly, I think it had a very high success rate in regards to that. It might be so, however the dangers and the instability of radioactive sources were already well known at the time and are now more than proved as deadly. By now, they have already altered our planet to a frightening degree. It is clear that this piece attempted and succeeded in lying to generations of young children and planted highly dangerous ideas in their head, disguised as being beneficial and necessary. It is ridiculous that only the last 5 or 10 mins of the program were dedicated to explaining the dangers of nuclear power. And always with a note that the dangers can and are easily controlled. What bull****!!! The enormous consequences of the recent Fukushima event are still unfolding and will continue to do so for a long time now. This is only a small example in the recent past, one in many in the last 50 years. 50 years!!!

I think it is very important to denounce this type of fakery, which at the end it is because it announces itself as something and is actually something very different.

If we are aware of it, we won't allow it to happen again in the future. And I wonder what other interests Disney may have had and how he may have used his company and its productions as a vehicle for them...
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