Wagon Train: The Steve Campden Story (1959)
Season 2, Episode 32
Possible Spoiler: Episode is weird and out-of-character for the series
30 October 2013
Warning: Spoilers
I love Wagon Train but this episode should be titled "Wagon Train enters the Twilight Zone". Flint climbs a very tall, almost vertical mountain peak in the middle of a blizzard wearing cowboy boots, a medium light jacket, a gun belt and a Stetson. He joins two strangers in this puzzling ascent who are experienced mountain climbers properly outfitted with mountain climbing gear. The experienced climbers struggle during the climb but somehow Flint is able to keep up with them dressed in his wagon train scout attire. His reason for doing so? So that he can get a better view of the country side in order to determine if there is a pass through the mountains, unblocked by snow, for the wagon train to pass. There is a cave in the mountain face and for some unexplained reason, they decide to explore it. There are blind, saber-toothed, predatory cats in this episode that make bizarre calls. Only one of the supposed hundreds or more of these creatures is ever shown and it is a ridiculously fake stuffed animal with long, thin plastic looking "tusks" protruding from its mouth. Flint falls off a ledge in the cave to another ledge a short distance below and is unhurt except for being rendered unconscious. Lord Steve Campden falls 6 feet or so onto the same ledge when the rope slips that is pulling he and Flint back up from the lower ledge to which Flint fell. Somehow Lord Campden manages to break a leg with such a short fall. Must be a family history of weak bones or a severe calcium deficiency. The scenes in the story are incredibly unrealistic. The story is strange and disjointed from the beginning to the even stranger and meaningless ending. I love Wagon Train but this episode was a waste of time.
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