Yo, también (2009)
More inspired, accurate and moving than my French « intocable » ! (web)
1 November 2013
Warning: Spoilers
The French box-office success is about a wealthy disabled man who paired with a brother from neighborhood: just put like this, it disgusts me even tough 20 millions of fellow compatriots saw it! Having written my law report about disability, the first and most difficult step for disabled people is to access to a normal life. So, my french movie about a disabled people who can have as money as he wants and in addition without involving real disabled people, it's fundamentally stupid!

Here, all this crap has been avoided as it's about real guy with Down syndrome that tries to live a normal life as a civil servant.

The first thing that I noticed is that those people really look alike, so much that they seem to be all relatives. So we can realize what a family is genetically speaking as it's about sharing the same (good or defects) genes.

Next, I was surprised to see that the working life was depicting with accuracy, unlike for example, De Palma's "Passion" where nobody seemed to have put a foot in an office! This part was really like my life: pushing papers, dreaming about colleagues, …

In addition, Daniel as a disabled man is close to a deaf friend of mine: as people kept pushing him away, he gets stuck to live with his possessive parents and have to come to terms that he would stay bachelor.

Regarding the script, the romance has maybe the usual and classic trip (surprise – connection – desire – reject – peace) but it transplants other issues as well: intimate relationship between disabled, the brotherly relation, the private life of Lola.

Finally, it's Lola who is maybe the more disabled here. It's never explained but her terrible past blocks her ability to love even though she is full of compassion.

In conclusion, it's a movie very realistic as it mixes happiness and sadness. In addition, the cast is amazing and sharing moments with disabled people would be always be more interesting than any Hollywood hot list!
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