Batman: The Animated Series: Heart of Ice (1992)
Season 1, Episode 3
"If I still had tears to shed..."
3 November 2013
Warning: Spoilers
This is the only episode of "Batman the Animated Series" that I ever gave a perfect ten to. It more than deserved it, for it's very probably the deepest the show ever dared to go. And although I greatly enjoy a lot of this series, this one is especially sophisticated and so rewarding and well put together and I love it very much. Now, although the most important elements of it certainly are, this episode is not one hundred percent perfect. I really don't like how Batman defeats Freeze with a common cask of chicken-goddamn-soup! That was just silly. They could have come up with something just a little better than that surely.. I also don't particularly enjoy the bizarre moment when Batman breaks his composure with that insane sneeze!!! ::: His haunting, gothically beautiful voice is so melodious and compelling. And his poetic words speak of anger and regret and boundless loneliness... It's as cold as the grave. The situation and atmosphere of every scene they use him in is so taut and powerfully sombre that the dialogue practically writes itself. And the design of his cryo-suit is simple, but so awesome-looking! It conveys lots of physical power without him at all coming off as a hulking brute or a robot. This is my favourite ever appearance of the animated Mr.Freeze, with the possible exceptions of the "Sub-Zero" movie and one great episode of "Batman of the Future". He just never again seemed to be portrayed with the same level of awe and tragedy that he brings to bear here. Even in his next appearance in "Deep Freeze" he just seemed to be wasted, like he was too good a character for the creators to build a story around. He's great in that one, but the plot was noticeably weak and missing something. In my opinion Freeze's role in Sub-Zero should have been his last, as it was it was an ending befitting the character that concluded his sorrowful saga perfectly. They should've left it at that, rather than robbing him of his dignity when they brought him back as a monster in the very poor fourth season. Oh god, that was so ridiculous! That whole head in a spider-robot jar thing should have never seen the light of day. ::: Every time I see the sheer animated poetry in motion that is the ending I get teary-eyes! It's very sad, because poor Victor laments as he believes he's failed his dying wife as Batman watches him from afar, perhaps seeing a kindred spirit. But to me, in a way it's also hopeful for the character, because as he sheds tears in despair it adds a new depth to his story. Because, despite claiming to be emotionally dead, deep down beneath all that ice, he's full of emotion. He hasn't lost his heart... And I find that kind of hopeful because I believe it's something that those who have grown emotionally cold or have a cold outlook on the world can connect with in a very deep and meaningful way that is far beyond the boundaries of this great show. In closing, it's a damn good episode!
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