4 November 2013
Warning: Spoilers
OK, writing a review of a two minute short film is a challenge, hence this being the first. We see a man walking through a field of tall grass. He is walking almost zombie like, wearing normal clothes for the time and his hands and face are blue. He walks up to a woman who is sitting with her back facing him. She does not turn around but we see her face and it is painted white and she has her mouth open, lips painted red. The man stops in back of her and begins to unzip his pants. He reaches in and proceeds to pull out...weeds. At first I thought they might be dandelions because they look like yellow flowers but it is a weed called yellow hawkweed if i'm not mistaken. So he proceeds to pull out one weed after another and then he looks into the camera shocked and then falls to the ground, motionless. The girl stays stationary, having never moved. End. What does it all mean? Who cares. It's a decent two minute visual from Lynch, the second short film he did (the first being Six Figures Getting Sick, the year before) from 1967 when he was 21. When the guy unzips his pants standing over the girl, I have to admit, seeing as how it's Lynch I thought, "No. Is this guy really going to pull it out?" And because it's Lynch something unexpected would of course happen. Anyway, check out Lynch's second short film that he ever did and then watch the rest. The Alphabet comes next the following year.
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