A List Of TheSexualAdventures A NerdTeenGirlGonaHave
5 November 2013
watched THE TO DO LIST ...the first thing I liked about it is..that the story sets in the 90s..the awesome decade..BUT the makers choose to forget all the good-funny things about it & kept their focus only on "sex"...& try to made a teen movie with the theme of FRIENDS WITH BENEFITS & NO STRINGS ATTACHED..& it kinda reminds of EASY-A..BUT the film is not that bad..I mean they kinda made it like the American PIE with a girl thing though...it has a few funny moments thanks to its fine cast..they did a good job(in the time they had)...BUT the film looses its grip on the story when it reaches to the end...its like the makers said "OK guys today is the last day of filming..wrap it up" so the climax of the film is not that impressive...BUT its an entertaining film the for the young ones(by that I mean 14 to 22)

It has no nudity..still one should avoid watching it with their parents

I rate it just_WATCHABLE_
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