Review of Goblin

Goblin (2010 TV Movie)
here and there some gore to catch
6 November 2013
This is just a mediocre horror that has a CGI monster in it. Some parts did deliver the goods for horror buffs but the action was left out and there's no suspense to see anywhere.

I won't go into any details about the story because that you have see a thousand times before. I was rather surprised about the use of low gore here and there. But it didn't work because there were some faults to see. When one's head is smashed by the monster or goblin you see indeed in a gory way that his face is crushed but the next shot when falling down his face is in tact.

It's one of those movies that you will love or hate. you don't watch it for the acting you just watch it for the horror. I have see flicks about creatures that couldn't stand up against this one but still it's mediocre and just offers here and there a nice 'gory' shot. It's just sad that the goblin was full CGI all the time which shows a few times even as the CGI wasn't that bad after all. It will make teenagers frightened but buffs will have a big laughter with this one, you know what I mean.

Gore 0,5/5 Nudity 0/5 Effects 2/5 Story 2,5/5 Comedy 0/5
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